Jottings 1/15/2024

Each Thursday from 3 to 4:30, a group of folks at Church of the Palms gathers to discuss the previous week’s sermon and discuss its application to their lives and to the life of the church. They then read the scriptures for the following week and discuss the content and concepts. The group is called “Inspirit” which implies instilling life, energy, courage, and vigor.

On Sunday, February 4th, Dr. Yvonne Delk will be preaching in worship at First Congregational Albuquerque. That afternoon, she will do a presentation and book signing on her new book Afro-Christian Convention: The Fifth Stream of the United Church of Christ. This special event will kick off the church's Black History Month Celebration. They will study the book together this spring.

ABQ FaithWorks is excited to launch its Valentine's Day Raffle. The FaithWorks' staff has collected many exciting and unique prizes donated by local artisans and businesses. You can purchase tickets by contacting the ABQ FaithWorks office at 505-457-1728 or by contacting staff members, board members, and volunteers.  Raffle tickets are $5.00 a ticket or 3 tickets for $10.00.  We will find more information on the raffle prizes and donors at: or the Facebook page: Albuquerque FaithWorks Collaborative.

Tucson birdwatchers! Please join Leona Lansing and Cynthia VerDuin from Casas Adobes at El Rio (Click here to see El Rio on the map) park in Marana on Wednesday, January 17th at 8:30 am for bird and wildlife watching/listening. The walk is short on a mostly paved flat area. Birds are easy to spot in and around the water. They have binoculars for loan if you want them. Email or call with any questions. Cynthia email, 216-571-6707. 

Desert Garden UCC supports the Valley View Food Bank throughout the year. Donations in 2023 brought in over 1900 pounds of food and cash donations from the congregation and the Thanksgiving Dinner at $9,656.00. Great job!

It has been so cold this week, I appreciated Pastor Paul Whitlock’s silly jokes. Enjoy!

What kind of ball doesn’t bounce?

A snowball.

What bites but doesn’t have teeth?


What do you get when you mix a snowman with a vampire?


What does Frosty call his parents?

Mom and Popsicle.

Which one is faster: hot or cold?

Hot. You can catch a cold.

Where do snowwomen and snowmen put their money?

In snow banks.

How do snowpeople buy birthday presents?

With cold, hard cash.

What did the tree say after a long winter?

What a re-leaf!

What does Frosty’s mom put on her face at night?

Cold cream.

What do you sing at a snowman’s birthday party?

“Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow!”