Listen to Jim Antal's keynote speech at SWC Annual Meeting 2015

What Can You Do for the Earth's Sustainability and Environmental Justice?

Why not volunteer to serve on the Southwest Conference Earthwise Congregation Task Force! 
The SWC Executive Board has authorized formation of this group: 

  • To determine what it means to be an Earthwise/Green Justice Congregation

  • Recommend to the Executive Board how the SW Conference could increase awareness and adoption of this designation by congregations

  • Form a group which will support and sustain efforts among congregations to increase awareness of and commitment to the Earth's sustainability

The 27th UCC General Synod in 2009 passed a resolution encouraging congregations to adopt this designation, which includes specific actions to follow up on this commitment. Since then, the Minnesota Conference has become a leader in congregational commitment making this a meaningful designation.

How we meet and how often will be determined when the number of members of the task force is established based on how many people decide to volunteer. Meetings may be in person, by e-mail, by conference call, and perhaps by videoconferencing, as appropriate.

Websites With Useful Information


350 means safety from the climate crisis. To preserve our planet, scientists tell us we must reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from its current level of 392 parts per million ("ppm")to below 350 ppm. But 350 is more than a number—it's a symbol of where we need to head as a planet. At, we're building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis and push for policies that will put the world on track to get to 350 ppm.

What the world needs to watch Global warming is mainly the result of CO2 levels rising in the Earth’s atmosphere. Both atmospheric CO2 and climate change are accelerating. Climate scientists say we have years, not decades, to stabilize CO2 and other greenhouse gases. To help the world succeed, makes it easy to see the most current CO2 level and what it means. So, use this site and keep an eye on CO2. Invite others to do the same. Then we can do more to send CO2 in the right direction.

Blog featuring posts on a variety of environmental issues and concerns. Post categories include: conservation,   environmental disasters, food, green tips and tricks and technology.

UCC Environmental Ministries


Following are Links to information in the Environmental Ministries section on