A Muslim family, living on the campus of a Christian church, being helped by a Jewish Temple

A young family (parents with three young daughters) escaped Afghanistan through Pakistan following the withdrawal of American troops, during the takeover of the Afghan government by the Taliban. The father, who had been employed by the Afghan government, was offered a position for one year at Hiroshima University in Japan.

With Japan’s restrictive refugee policy, the family had to seek yet another destination that they might call “home” after his year’s contract concluded.

Arizona State University came through with that opportunity for the father offering him a scholarship and a small stipend through the graduate Economic Policy Administration program, including a two-year student visa. 

Housing in Tempe was the next need. A woman in NY learned about this family from a refugee with whom she worked. The refugee knew the father back in Afghanistan. Through her contacts, the New Yorker connected with a woman in Belgium who had grown up in Tempe and had attended Tempel Emanuel. An email was sent from the woman in Belgium to Tempel Emanuel – one of the supporting organizations of the EV Network. The well-traveled email request was forwarded to Holly Herman. From here, connecting the dots is simple, and you know the rest of the story. The family is now living at University Presbyterian Church, with the father working at ASU.

Holly summed it up by writing, “So, we have a Muslim family, living on the campus of a Christian church, being helped by a Jewish Temple.” 

Of course, this family has needs. The father speaks fluent English, but the mother and daughters would appreciate tutoring to improve their English. The girls are enrolled in a nearby elementary school. Specifically, the girls would be delighted with school clothing, (conservative styles are appropriate for this Muslim family), socks, and underwear. The father would appreciate a laptop (to replace the one he has) for his continued studies, and the mother needs a tablet to take English classes online. If you have some bicycles for young girls, that you need to donate, this might be the place!

Please contact Holly Herman if you want to help this family.
(480) 570-0450