Our Faith Our Vote resources and opportunites

Grace and peace to you in these challenging times,

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We are fast approaching the final stretch of the 2020 election season. The UCC Our Faith Our Vote team wanted to lift up a number of resources and opportunities that may be of interest to UCC members and congregations in your conference interested in nonpartisan election engagement.

The UCC Our Faith Our Vote website ourfaithourvote.org provides a host of resources to support faith-based, nonpartisan election engagement through voter registration efforts, issue education resources and ideas to mobilize voters and protect voter rights.

This year we added the Civic Action Center to our campaign, which allows voters to check on their voting registration status, register to vote (in most states and D.C.), and find polling information.

The issue education section of the OFOV website provides one-page background pieces on key issues at stake in the elections including health care, climate justice, economic justice and racial justice, identifying General Synod resolutions related to the issues and key questions for the candidates. The section also includes links to video conversations on key issues which can serve as resource for congregational study and conversation.

In addition, the OFOV coordinating team is pleased to announce that in this pivotal 2020 election season we will again be offering 5 OFOV small grants in the amount of $2500.00 to UCC congregations for use in local and regional organizing. Applications for the UCC 2020 Our Faith Our Vote small grants should focus on one or more of the following areas: nonpartisan voter registration, issue education and mobilizing for voter participation. More information and a link to the application can be found here. Applications are due by August 14.

It is our hope that the Our Faith Our Vote campaign provides meaningful, constructive, bridge-building resources for UCC members and congregations to engage this critical election season. The OFOV team is here to partner with you in support of these efforts.

Blessings to you in your ministry, and continued courage in the struggle,

The UCC Our Faith Our Vote coordinating team