Sacred Conversations to End Racism Summer Institute 2020

The Sacred Conversations to End Racism Summer Institute 2020 has reached capacity. The goal of the institute is to provide a communal space where the hard work, deep and honest conversations can take place. The Summer Institute is the beginning of more to come through 2024 and beyond. There is no fee for participation in the Sacred Conversations to End Racism Institutes. 

If you are interested please register for the SC2ER Fall Institute 2020 Sacred Conversations to End Racism Fall Institute 2020.  You will be notified when the Fall Institute 2020 participant selections have been confirmed. 

There will be more opportunities to register for upcoming Sacred Conversations to End Racism Institutes taking place—Winter and Spring. 2021. Dates to be determined. 

SC2ER Fall Institute 2020 Thursday, 6 pm – 7:30 pm Eastern Standard Time, dates are below;

·        September 17 – 24

·        October 1-8-15-22-29

The United Church of Christ has a long history of working towards addressing systemic and institutional racism. In 2003 General Synod 24 adopted a resolution calling for the UCC to be an anti-racist church stating that "racism is rooted in a belief of the superiority of whiteness and bestows benefits, unearned rights, rewards, opportunities, advantages, access, and privilege on Europeans and European descendants."

In 2018 Sacred Conversations to End Racism (SC2ER), a Restorative Racial Justice Journey study guide was created to address and dismantle racism within the Christian Church and society.  The study guide and accompanying resources debunks and corrects myths that claim Europeans and Anglo Saxons are a dominant culture. 

Dominant cultures do not exist and race categories were created to justify practices of genocide and enslavement. SC2ER provides research and resources that substantiates the myth of race. The Christian Church, U.S. Supreme Court and government officials instituted policies and developed laws that continue to support the myths. As a result, people of color continue to be oppressed, marginalized, stereotyped, and murdered by state sanctioned violence and racists individuals.

Participants on the SC2ER journey:

  1. Explore relevant and practical ways to have conversations that are inclusive of diverse cultures and ethnic identities

  2. Engage with biblical texts regarding equitable treatment of all God’s people

  3. Gain an understanding of the historical and contemporary myths associated with race

  4. Participate in active listening and response techniques

  5. Learn inclusive non-colonial terms for people groups

  6. Develop strategies to move from conversations to advocacy and activism

Sacred Conversations to End Racism includes learning tools and resources such as books, videos, documentaries, articles, art, and music. These resources represent cultures and people groups whose lived experiences and perspectives are correctives to the historical and contemporary harm, injury, and trauma enacted upon non-European people groups. The ongoing impact of racism and xenophobia in contemporary society requires participants to commit to a life long journey of dismantling racism and a commitment to do no harm. People groups of color are impacted by individual and systemic oppression and marginalization. Everyone is invited to be on the journey as a witness and transformative presence with God’s beloved inclusive global community.


Anti-racism work involves an inward interrogation of our biases, prejudices, internalized white supremacy and internalized racism, microaggresive insults and assaults, and overt racist behaviors. SC2ER assists participants take a deeper look into—our history, socialization, and cultural-ethnic ways of being—and how we continue to practice behaviors consciously and unconsciously.

Restorative racial justice work is internal and external. Our whole being is challenged daily to revert, rebel, and move back into our comfort zones. Spiritual practices are learned and repeated in order to have a deeper sense of God’s presence in our lives. The same goes for dismantling racism within oneself and with people we journey with daily.

“Race is Not Real – Racism is Real”

Register and become part of a listening and learning community. Commit to gathering for five sessions and learn best practices towards dismantling racism.

Participants are required to participate via Zoom video conference technology. Seminar materials will include pre-assigned handouts, links to videos and documentaries, and process questions. On meeting days, groups will be assigned to break out rooms for one hour to discuss the pre-assigned work. During the last thirty-minutes groups will come back together and discuss some reflections based on internal processing. Large group participation will also offer opportunities for listening to how diverse cultures experience colonialism, internalized whiteness, and racism based on their lived experiences.

SC2ER Summer Institute Registration


Sacred Conversations to End Racism 

“Race is Not Real – Racism is Real”

Register here and become part of a listening and learning community. Commit to gathering for five sessions and learn best practices towards dismantling racism.

The Restorative Racial Justice Summer Institute Dates:
Wednesday, 6 pm – 7:30 pm Eastern Standard Time

  • July 8th –15th – 22nd – 29th

  • August 5th

Modules – July – August 2020

Participants are required to participate via Zoom video conference technology. Seminar materials will include pre-assigned handouts, links to videos and documentaries, and process questions. On meeting days, groups will be assigned to break out rooms for one hour to discuss the pre-assigned work. During the last thirty-minutes groups will come back together and discuss some reflections based on internal processing. Large group participation will also offer opportunities for listening to how diverse cultures experience colonialism, internalized whiteness, and racism based on their lived experiences.

Sacred Conversations to End Racism Summer Institute 2020

“Race is Not Real – Racism is Real”

Become part of a listening and learning community. Commit to gathering for five sessions and learn best practices towards dismantling racism. Apply today and start the SC2ER Restorative Racial Justice Journey.

The Restorative Racial Justice Summer Institute Dates:

Wednesday, 6 pm – 7:30 pm Eastern Standard Time

  • July 8th –15th – 22nd – 29th

  • August 5th

Session 1 – July 8 HOW DID WE GET HERE?

  • Transformative Work

  • Colonialism and the Christian Church


  • Decolonizing Christianity

  • Christianity and the Myth of Race


  • Deconstructing the Myth of Race

  • Fragility, Internalized White Supremacy and Racism


  • How You See Me

  • The Bible and Theology from the Margins


The Pandemic is Racism

  • Strategies for Organizing

  • Intersectional Advocacy and Activism

Sacred Conversations to End Racism Summer Institute 2020 Registration