A Crucial Conversation about Taos' Water Future

Rev. Pamela Shepherd wants to invite you into something deeply important:

Taos water Public Forum 2019 0501.jpg

A Crucial Conversation about Taos' Water Future

6pm Wednesday May 1, Bataan Hall, Civic Plaza Drive 

[right near Taos UCC]

Right now, right here, in our own town, decisions are being made and actions are being taken that will decide the future health of our watershed, our children, our incredible ecosystem, and our local food supply. All future generations will ask: are we preserving our precious water and environment, or are we selling away our legacy?

Being part of this conversation is perhaps the most important thing you can do for Taos' enduring future.

 A large group of us from Taos UCC expect to be at this event--Come get informed and engaged!

Read Abeyta Settlement—Letter to Stakeholders