Greeting cards to Detainees

The Good Shepherd UCC is cooperating with Shalom Mennonite Church in Tucson to send notes and cards of encouragement to individuals being detained by ICE in facilities here in our region.

How to participate: Spanish language greeting cards can be purchased online, or plain note cards can be used. Because Shalom has ongoing contact with detainees here, the cards must NOT be signed and no intimate information should be shared. Cards (unsigned) and in envelopes should then be placed (with appropriate postage) into a large envelope and sent to this address:

Casa Mariposa Visitation, PO Box 40884, Tucson, AZ 85717

Most detainees’ first language is Spanish, so most messages should be written in Spanish. If you do not know Spanish, use competent translation sites (Google is free) to write your comments. The purpose is to encourage people in terrible, frightening situations with the knowledge that they are cared for and not forgotten. Also, these people have birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries and Shalom’s volunteers can make sure that people needing that encouragement get your notes.

Any questions? Write Mike Nagle (via the Mission’s Committee) at