Opioid Crisis Response basic training

Thursday, January 31, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

First Church UCC Phoenix, 1407 N. Second Street, Phoenix

The Southwest Conference is pleased to partner with the Arizona Attorney General’s Office to offer Opioid Crisis Response basic training. The training includes warning signs of opioid addiction, resources for families struggling with opioid addiction, and training/distribution of Narcan for intervention in overdose situations. Learn how to spot the signs of addiction, how to keep your pills safely, and what to do to get help for yourself or a loved one.

 Clergy, parish nurses, lay care teams, chaplains, lay people caring for or living with family members managing chronic pain, and people who are concerned about someone they know being addicted to opioids, are invited to participate in this training. Please share this invitation with people in your congregation. This training program is being implemented statewide for faith community leaders as an outcome of an interfaith effort by the AZ Attorney General’s Clergy Council. 

A special emphasis will be placed on opioid addiction among seniors. No one recovering from knee surgery or hip replacement anticipates becoming addicted. And yet seniors face high the second highest rate of opioid addiction. 

Please RSVP to Rev. Bill Lyons with the names of people from your congregation who plan to attend this caregiving/health ministry event.