Annual Meeting delegate session: April 13

Attention all Annual Meeting church delegates and SWC clergy:

Please don’t miss the information session and delegate orientation on Saturday, April 13 at 9 am Arizona / 10 am New Mexico & El Paso. Mark your calendar NOW. We'll send the Zoom link to all registered voting participants once registration closes.

The first hour will be a training session about Annual Meeting in general (for first-timers and a refresher for others) and about using the Whova platform which will be our ‘hub’ for the Annual Meeting, for both in-person and remote attendees.

The second hour will be an information session about the budget/resolutions to bring up any questions/comments that the Executive Board needs to discuss at their April 18 meeting.

We all want this completely hybrid model of Annual Meeting to be successful and that requires that we all learn how do our part!

If you aren’t registered yet, go here now and join the party.