There is a clergy debt crisis in the United Church of Christ

“Seminary and consumer debt, often on limited income—especially for those serving small congregations—and a lack of resources to plan a secure financial future, are deepening a crisis for those called to serve. And the crisis is affecting our servant leaders of all ages.

-- Brian R. Bodager, President, Pension Boards-United Church of Christ

At General Synod, the Pension Boards and the National Setting of the United Church of Christ launched Securing the Future: Financial Justice for Ministers, a campaign to raise $3 million to expand the Ministers’ Financial Vitality Initiative (MFVI), an innovative Pension Boards program that is changing the lives of UCC authorized ministers across the country.

The initiative is making a noticeable difference, providing UCC ministers with $10,000 each to help pay down their debt, including $1,000 to seed a retirement account, along with the support of both financial advisers and a cohort of peers facing similar money issues.

“The program has been deeply impactful for me in terms of financial education for retirement planning and for the clarity with which I believe I can do it.” Rev. Dr. Chris Davies, UCC national staff.

Watch this special presentation shown at General Synod to see and hear from program participants about the ways in which the program has impacted their financial habits and their understanding of money—and how it has raised their hopes for a more secure future.

To donate online, visit, and indicate “MFVI” as the Special Designation.

Checks can be made out to “Securing the Future: MVFI” and mailed to:

United Church of Christ, Financial Services, 700 Prospect Avenue, 6th Floor, Cleveland, OH 44115

To learn more, contact:

Rev. Jonathan B. Lee, Philanthropy Officer, The Pension Boards - United Church of Christ

(800) 642-6543 x2718