Join the Movement Toward Racial Justice

When love is the lens through which we see the world, justice is possible.

Can you imagine a church free of racism and a world where all people live without fear of violence or systems that harm God’s human creation?

The United Church of Christ invites you to Join the Movement toward racial justice as we answer God’s call to be an anti-racist church. Here, we will share stories and grow together, learning from one another to build a just world for all.

At General Synod 33 the national setting will launch an all-church campaign to Join The Movement toward Racial Justice. The United Church of Christ affirms our call to be an anti-racist church and many of our Conferences and churches, along with the national setting, have already begun this work. We want to tell our story, share our learnings, and engage with one another as we move toward being an anti-racist church. Register at for monthly updates on how our churches are answering God’s call toward a just world for all, to gain helpful tools to organize the church, learn more about who we are and who we are becoming, join all church book studies, register for classes, and so much more.

The site goes live July 11th with the opening of Synod. The first 100 registrants will receive a commemorative Join The Movement tumbler.