Rev. Dr. Art Ellersieck has died

We are holding the family of the Rev. Dr. Art Ellersieck in our prayers. Their pastor, Len Sylvester, sent this news...

Art died late yesterday. (His dementia had deepened horribly and he was facing life in a memory care unit.) Art had a beautiful singing voice and a warm, infectious laugh. He served all three UCC churches in the Sun Cities:

  • 1990-1997 as senior pastor at Church of the Palms

  • 2004-2005 as interim pastor at the United Church of SC

  • 2008-2009 as part of a 2-person interim team at Desert Garden UCC, where he retained his membership

His wife, Grace, welcomes prayers and cards—email Wende for the mailing address.

May Art rest in the eternal peace of Jesus and hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant." May Grace and her family feel the comfort of the Living God who cares for them in their grief even as Art is cared for now in the presence of Christ.

God, in your mercy...