Omicron update

Beloved SWC members, 

Anxiety has been increasing over the Omicron variant of the COVID19 virus. The SWC office has been monitoring the information about this newest coronavirus mutation. I am writing to encourage your congregations to continue the sustainable response measures circulated through the SWC in October (shared here). No new guidance for in-person gatherings is being recommended at this time for our churches in light of the Omicron variant. 

am inviting our churches to launch vigorous campaigns encouraging everyone who is unvaccinated to be vaccinated, and for vaccinated people to obtain their booster shot if they have not already done so. The reasons for this invitation stems from the new information being released from scientists about the effects of the Omicron variant and the impact of vaccines on it. 

Summarizing this information, we know…

Similar statistics are anticipated from studies of the Moderna vaccine due to be released soon. 

 The links above will take you to articles with additional details and data.  Wednesday’s complete update on the Omicron variant from Pfizer & PioNTech is online. 

The pandemic is far from over. Continuing to observe the 2-out-of-3 rule is vitally important. And we must find ways to balance the risks of getting COVID19 with our human needs for community, companionship, and in-person gathering. Attending to the mental health and emotional needs of our church members and our neighbors is critically important since news of the Omicron variant among us has brought with it a new wave of COVID anxiety and depression. AND, we can take a deep breath of peace and hope and yes, even joy. For there is good news available to us even about the Omicron variant. 

God, we are preparing to celebrate you coming among us in the flesh, even as we are wondering if coming among each other in the flesh is safe, wise, or even possible. Being in our flesh leaves us feeling anxious, vulnerable, and afraid. We are missing all the ways we come together when we feel the ways we do. Just when we thought there was light at the end of the tunnel a new variant has begun to spread among us. It’s been such a long time on this path – our second Christmas, just months away from beginning pandemic year three. The costs have been so high – 800,000 neighbors dead to this virus in our country, 5.31 million people dead around the world. SO many people to grieve and left grieving. May your Spirit nudge us to be gentle with each other. May our willingness to act not only for ourselves but also in the best interests of our neighbors be rekindled and fanned into flame beyond just Christmas spirit this year of all years. Grant us healing as we celebrate You-with-us again. Amen.



Rev. Dr. William M. Lyons

Conference Minister

Direct: 602.317.2724