COVID-19 Pastoral Message and Recommendation #4

“Right now our very lives depend on seeking the welfare of every city, looking out not only for our own interests, but also for the interests of others. When we exiled ourselves from our church buildings, we all expected to return to them long before now. So we made temporary plans for doing church differently. I am indeed ready for this exile – separation from my family, virtual replacements for all things in-person, working from home, limited socializing options, and the mandate to reinvent almost all my comfortable routines – to end. Yet, everything I know about the situation in which we find ourselves tells me that we must continue the suspension of in-person church gatherings for the foreseeable future.”

Read Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons’ Pastoral Message #4

Read Bill’s Suggested Phased Plan for Resuming In-Person Gatherings In Southwest Conference Churches