"Plan H"

The Southwest Conference staff are working from home. During their deployment here are some things we thought you’d like to know.

We are working normal hours.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | 9AM - 5PM
Wednesday | 9AM - 1PM

You can telephone the office.

602-468-3830 It’s important that you select the extension of the staff member with whom you would like to speak. Voicemail message are automatically forwarded to each staff member’s email. Staff members will return your call as quickly as possible during regular our business hours.

You can email the staff.

No changes there! [link]

You can still mail checks and remittance forms.

The US mail is being forwarded to a PO box and staff are collecting it regularly.

We’re meeting by Zoom.

All SWC meetings are happening virtually. Links are being generated by Genevieve. Links are sent out well ahead of meetings. If you are supposed to attend a SWC meeting and do not receive a link to the zoom call, please contact Genevieve ahead of the meeting.

The building is closed.

For the foreseeable future the SWC office building is closed. No outside or SWC activities are being held there. The AZ Disciples staff is also working from home. Door codes have been suspended; your codes will not work.

Ways to stay connected to the SWC:

SWC is already connected online. Here are the links and what you can expect to find at each one. Critical updates are sent out via Facebook and our email system.

Website: As we live into new ways of being the Church during this pandemic, look to THIS PAGE  for resources, updates, and news as they relate to our conference churches and the UCC. A list of changes to conference churches’ worship services can be found HERE.

Facebook: Watch there for extra resources that we spot and share on our page as well as breaking news, prayers, and occasional humor to uplift our spirits. “Like” or “follow” our page.

The Loop: Subscribe to our weekly newsletter that goes out every Monday with conference updates, church news, our faith in action, and more.

Blog: We’ve invited the writers in the SWC to contribute their stories. Humans are meaning-making, storytelling creatures. With our Annual Meeting theme of Stories That Transform, the SWC blog will feature posts that highlight this aspect of our human journey.

Twitter: We retweet thoughtful content and news from UCC-related accounts and beyond. Follow us.