Webinar: Your Church Website and the New Visitor Experience

January 19, 2021, 12–1pm MST, presented by Maryle Malloy

Great church websites have one thing in common: they focus on the new visitor experience. We'll cover the key points every church website needs to engage new visitors and inspire them to learn more.

Resources: We'll send you away with several resources such as the eBook "Organizing Graphic Assets," which contains over 20 links to free graphic resources.

Mark your calendar; registration details are coming soon.

Maryle Malloy is a church leader and the owner of Wide Web Advisor, a branding and marketing agency. Maryle currently serves as the Moderator for Church of the Good Shepherd, UCC in Albuquerque, NM. In addition to her position as Moderator, she volunteers her time as the web designer, webmaster, and Facebook guru for COGS.