SWC Announces Endowment Fund Manager

The Endowment Fund Management Committee and the SWC Executive Board are pleased to announce that the Southwest Conference (SWC) has entered an agreement with Bernstein Private Wealth Management (“Bernstein”), a unit of AllianceBernstein L.P (“AB”), to become our Endowment Fund investment manager," says Conference Minister Bill Lyons. "In this capacity, Bernstein will provide the SWC a range of philanthropic planning and investment services." Founded more than 50 years ago, Bernstein is a leading investment advisor to high-net-worth families and institutions, trusts, estates, foundations, endowments and pension plans. 

“Bernstein’s clients receive the benefit of our firm’s global scope, deep research resources, planning expertise, and commitment to responsible investing that few other firms can match,” said Richard Johnson, Principal and Financial Advisor at Bernstein. “We’re pleased to be working with Southwest Conference United Church of Christ to help meet their planning needs, and introduce responsible investing solutions that can align with Church’s desires to do well – and do good.” Mr. Johnson will join us in Tucson at our Annual Meeting April 20-21.

AB currently offers several funds that are dedicated to sustainable investment. Such funds invest in companies that are deemed to have a positive impact on society and the environment. In fact, in 2012, AB became one of the early signatories of the United Nations-sponsored Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI). As a PRI signatory, the firm is committed to integrating the role of environmental, social and corporate-governance (ESG) issues in its investment decision making.

About Bernstein
Bernstein Private Wealth Management, a unit of AllianceBernstein L.P. (AB) provides investment planning advice and services to individuals, families, endowments, foundations and other financial guardians, so that they can reach their long-term investment objectives. Their global research enables them to customize a portfolio that suits any type of investment goal, income need, tax situation or tolerance for risk. And the company uses proprietary, centrally managed investment strategies that ensure every client receives the firm’s best thinking on opportunities and risk control. For more information, visit www.bernstein.com.

About AllianceBernstein
AllianceBernstein is a leading global investment management firm that offers high-quality research and diversified investment services to institutional investors, individuals and private wealth clients in major world markets.

As of December 31, 2017, including both the general partnership and limited partnership interests in AB, AB Holding owned approximately 35.5% of AB and AXA, a worldwide leader in financial protection, owned an approximate 64.7% economic interest in AB.

Additional information about AB may be found on their website, www.alliancebernstein.com.