Phoenix Indian Medical Center for the Indigenous Peoples

written by Eric Holmes, member of Church of the Palms UCC; please pass this information along if it is helpful

The Phoenix Indian Medical Center (PIMC) is located at 16th Street and Indian School Road in Phoenix. PIMC provides healthcare services to nearly 160,000 patients, all tribal members from the Phoenix area and from Tribes throughout the U.S. who together represent nearly 70% of the 574 federally recognized Tribes. The top 5 Tribes represented by the PIMC patient population are the Navajo Nation, the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Tribe, Pasqua Yaqui Tribe, the Gila River Pima Maricopa Tribe and the Tohono O’Odham Nation.

There are over 330 practicing physicians across 29 specialties affiliated with PIMC. All one needs to use the facility is a Tribal ID/Certificate of Indian Blood, birth certificate and Social Security card.

I am Native American, from the Chickasaw Tribe of Oklahoma. My 6th great grandmother, Sopha Minta Hoya, was full-blood Chickasaw. My Chickasaw blood is through my maternal grandmother, Lillie Moore Walton.

Since moving to Arizona in 1984, I have been using PIMC for over 35 years and have had some of the best doctors and specialists. Some of the specialty clinics I have used: ENT, as I’ve had several ear tubes because of chronic ear infections and, due to hearing loss, I’ve received several types of hearing aid over the years; optical, as I get my eyes checked once a year for a new prescription for glasses, if needed; dental, teeth cleaning and emergency services; behavioral health, psychology services; and neurology.

I’ve had the same primary-care doctor for the past 12 years and have received nothing but the best services from PIMC, making me feel so relieved that I am Native American and fortunate enough to get the best healthcare.