Church Jottings 12/15/18

First Congregational Church of Prescott is asking for help in locating a BONE MARROW donor.  Please help - If you are under 60, go to the national registry at  If over 60, go to Monies are available to cover the cost.

Many of our churches support activities at low income schools. Casas Adobes reminds us that year-end school donations can qualify for tax credits. 

Church of the Good Shepherd in Albuquerque is starting a new ministry in January, making blankets for St Martins Hopeworks, a homeless ministry. The double layered flannel blankets require lots of tying and little sewing and make a great family project. 

Shepherd of the Hills collects homemade cookies from members and delivers them to members that might otherwise not have access to them. Ho Ho Ho!

Shepherd also hosts a preschool breakfast with Santa for the youngest kids and grandkids complete with pictures. 

The Good Shepherd in Sahuarita is holding a Christmas Day dinner with the church supplying the ham and potatoes. Pay $10 and bring a side to share and enjoy the fellowship of your congregation. 

First Congregational members in Albuquerque will share appetizers and cider on Christmas Day afternoon.  

On Dec 7th, several members of Scottsdale UCC were part of a Global Shabbat celebration that was sponsored by BBYO (a pluralistic international Jewish youth organization).  They celebrated both Hanukkah and a Sabbath meal with an interfaith gathering of teens, religious leaders, and parents. They heard from executives from the Jewish Federation of Arizona and the local chapter of the Anti-Defamation League. Pastor Carol participated in a panel discussion of spiritual leaders representing Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Baha’i, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and, of course, the United Church of Christ; which responded to questions from the youth. During the meal, there were facilitated interfaith conversations at each of the kids’ and adults’ tables.