How to be an antiracist in a global workplace: Webinar with Ibram X. Kendi

Breaking systems of oppression and bias through antiracism

Tuesday, May 24, 9:00am AZ / 10:00am NM-EP

In 2020 the racial justice movement prompted a dialogue about the need for more action in the diversity, equity and inclusion space. Companies around the world made a commitment to do better. Antiracism, the practice of actively opposing racism and promoting racial equity, was at the center of these conversations and commitments.

Two years later, companies are still figuring out how to operationalize their DEI commitments and antiracist thinking in a way that is effective and true.

Join the conversation with Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to Be an Antiracist, to unpack what antiracism means and how it can be used as a tool to address all forms of oppression and bias experienced by underrepresented and marginalized groups within a global workforce. You will learn about Twilio's approach to antiracism and how through individual action, you can help to build a company where the most marginalized have a voice and power is shared equitably.

You will walk away with an understanding of:

  • Why antiracism is not just about race, and requires us to look at all forms of discrimination

  • How to use antiracism to confront racism in a global context, in whatever form it takes.

  • How antiracist thinking can help you to identify and address inequities within your own team and across different communities and regions globally

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